2007 International Essay Contest for Young People

For youth essays on peace using media and technology |Deadline: June 30 2007
The Goi Peace Foundation and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) invite young people throughout the world up to 25 years of age to submit essays for the 2007 International Essay Contest for Young People. Entries are divided into two age categories for the awarding of prizes: up to 14 years and 15 – 25 years.
The competition’s theme is ‘The Role of Media and Information and Communication Technologies in Building a Peaceful World.’
Essays should comment on how media and communication and information technologies can be used to help build a peaceful world. First, second, and third place and honourable mention entries in each category will receive: (1st) 100,000 Yen (approximately US$840), (2nd) 50,000 Yen (approximately US$420), and (3rd and honourable mention) certificates and gifts. Multiple prizes will be given in all but the first place category. The first place winner will be invited to Japan to receive the award – travel expenses are paid by the sponsors.
Rules for the competition are:
a.. Essays must be 800 words or less, printed or typed in English, French, Spanish, or German.
b.. Each must include a cover page with the age category, title, your name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, nationality, age as of June 30 2007, gender, school name and grade, and word count.
c.. Entries must be submitted by post or email.
d.. Essays must be original and unpublished.
e.. Essays must be written by one person.
f.. Copyright of the essays will be assigned to the organisers.
Interested parties must send their submissions to the address below.
The deadline for application is June 30, 2007.
International Essay Contest C/O Goa Peace Foundation
1-4-5 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102-0093 Japan
SOURCE: http://www.comminit.com/awards2007/awards2007/awards-1637.html