World’s Children’s Festival

The National Mall, Washington DC
June 23-25, 2007 (10:30am to 5:00pm)
Be part of a historic celebration of children’s creativity and imagination.
More than 3 million children in 100 countries are participating in the program to claim the honor to represent their country (or U.S. state) at the World Children’s Festival.
The key festival objectives are:
– showcase children’s creativity, imagination and talents
– give voice to children on issues and interests of common concern
– introduce children to the power of their collective creativity
– harness children’s imagination for positive social change
– promote the concept of “artist-athlete” as a symbol of healthy living
– demonstrate the benefits of integrating art, sport, science and technology
– build bonds of understanding and trust between American children and the world’s children
– provide creative leadership training and connect current and future leaders
– provide Digital Media & Design Studio, design education and 21st century IT skills
You can support the festival and participate in it!
– If you live in the Washington Metropolitan Area, you can help local children host children from across America and around the world at the festival.
– If you live elsewhere in the United States, you can sponsor a child from a low-income family or a poor country to participate in the festival.
– If you live anywhere in the world, you can become a catalyst in this community by hosting an international children’s art exhibition during the festival.