Call for Short Film/Video Submissions

Following last year’s success, the Pedagogy in Cinema Society (PiCS) is proud to be co-curating a second Short Film Festival. This year, reinforcing our commitment to using film and media as tools for stimulating critical dialogue and action, we supplement the Festival with a panel of NYC youth and their teachers. To provide a space for youth’s voice to be heard, we invite young film/video makers to submit short pieces (max. 30 min.) they believe teachers and youth can use as teaching and learning tools in schools. Films will be chosen based on a set of criteria co-constructed by youth and their teachers and will be selected based on each film’s relevance for school use. Film and video makers of selected shorts will be invited to introduce their films at the festival, participate in a discussion panel, and receive a small honorarium. PiCS plans to locate the selections in the library at Teachers College and disseminate them amongst participating teachers for use in their classrooms.
This Short Film Festival is attached to the “”Popular Culture in the Classroom: Teach, Think, Play” conference, organized by the TC Students for a Cultural Studies Initiative (TCSCSI). The purpose of the conference is to bring together an international group of faculty and graduate students, along with K-12 educators and students from New York City in an effort to address various issues of popular culture and education.
Submission Guidelines: All submissions should include the following: name, mailing address, e-mail address, school/organization/institutional affiliation, degree program (if applicable), a brief (max. 100 words) statement explaining how you envision teachers and students using this film in school, and directions (or restrictions) for acquiring additional copies of the film/video should it be selected for screening, library, and classroom use. Please email if you have any questions. Short films/videos should be sent to PiCS c/o Liz Johnson at the following address:
c/o Liz Johnson
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 W. 120th Street
NCREST – Box 110
New York, NY 10027
• Deadline: The deadline for film submissions is: Saturday, February 17th, 2007.
• Review Process: Films will be screened by participating students, teachers, and the PiCS group. Final submission status will be emailed by Saturday, March 10th, 2007. Submissions will not be returned.