The First Annual Female Empowerment Conference for young women of color: “Her Story, Her Voice, Her Journey” will take place at The Door on Saturday, March 10, 2007 from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
This conference will look at the lives of these women from five different aspects. “Her Story” includes the following themes: Her Roots, Her Body, Her Voice, Her Soul and Her Journey.
Workshop topics include (but are not limited too): Reproductive Rights, Women’s Wellness, HIV/AIDS, Human & Sex Trafficking, Immigration & Diversity, Body Image & Ethnic Pride, Sexual Identity, Hip Hop & Break-dance, Healthy Lifestyles & Food Justice, and Dealing with Stress in NYC.
This conference is a collaborative effort between The Door staff, volunteers and most importantly young women that have dedicated their time and energy into making this conference a successful event.
To register young women for this event please email
The Door – A Center of Alternatives, Inc.
121 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212/941.9090