July 19 – 22, 2007 San Jose State University
Deadline: April 15, 2007
What is the Social Justice Training Institute?
Since December of 1998, the Social Justice Training Institute has been providing an opportunity for individuals committed to issues of inclusion to develop their skills in the areas of dialogue and connectedness. Over 400 professional colleagues have participated in this experience to date. We are now expanding the experience to include an opportunity for students to gather and do some “personal work” related to social justice issues. The institute is open to 60
undergraduate students on college and university campuses in the U.S. and abroad. This advanced experience is for students who have done a fairly significant amount of work on social justice issues.
Six alumni will join two or three SJTI faculty to complete the facilitation team.
Institute Format
The Social Justice Training Institute will provide an intensive developmental opportunity for students to examine the complex dynamics of oppression and to develop strategies to foster positive change on their campuses and in their communities.
Students who attend the institute will be given the opportunity to explore the identities that make up who they are and better understand the extent to which these identities impact all they do. Through facilitated activities and exercises along with small group dialogue, participants will engage in conversations that will challenge and support them in their journey toward understanding how they can each – individually – impact our global community. To this
end, each student will be asked to obtain a “partner” from their home campus and to develop a Social Justice Commitment (SJC) detailing personal growth goals, an intervention that will impact their home campus and ways in which they can contribute to their community. The partner must be a faculty member, staff member or administrator on the student’s home campus. Participants will work with their partner after the institute to continue their growth
process and to implement their SJC.
Additional information can be found at: http://www.sjti.org/home_student.html