2 thoughts on “The Reel Spotlight: What Oprah missed in praising teen filmmaker”

  1. I share your frustration re the lack of recognition given to youth media organizations by mainstream media. It’s easier to work with print publications — books, magazines, newspapers — when they request re-print rights to L.A. Youth articles. The writer and organization is credited and when requested, asprompt payment for re-printing rights. Working with radio and TV has been less rewarding since they want to highlight the youths’ media achievements without acknowledging the training by a youth media organization that produced an excellent article, video or radio spot.
    Donna Myrow
    Executive Director
    L.A. Youth

  2. Ingrid,
    This is such an important point; I think you should pen some longer pieces and shoot for something like the weekend arts section of the NYTimes. Let’s target the high-profile readership and get people aware of this oversight . . .

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