letter from the editor (volume 1:issue 6)

Letter from the Editor
Welcome to June 2007 (Volume 1: Issue 6) of Youth Media Reporter (YMR).
This month YMR is proud to offer several articles addressing some issues and tensions that youth media organizations sometimes face including fund development, career support for youth and alumni and branding. We hope these articles spur dialogue and debate among our colleagues in the field and we encourage you to post comments expressing your reactions on YMR.
The articles in issue #6 of YMR cover:
• A review of Oprah’s recent spotlight on Kiri Davis’s film, A Girl Like Me, where no discussion of Reel Works Teen Filmmaking or the context of the programs Kiri took part, were addressed;
• How youth media organizations can think of new ways to incorporate career pathways in program development;
• An 18-year-old’s perspective on fundraising for a journalism trip to West Africa, with a response from Y-Press Bureau Director;
• An interview with the Editor-in-Chief of Real Girls Media.
Check out our feature in-brief, congratulating MediaSnackers on their 1st birthday, which occurred on June 1st. Our professional of the month is Sharese Bullock, a great leader working at Listen Up!
Additionally, the resources developed by Social Policy Research Associates with support from OSI and Surdna, Youth Media’s Impact on Audience and Channels of Distribution: An Exploratative Study, and Youth Media Evaluation Toolkit are now available on YMR’s website. Also available is Investing in Youth Media: A Guide for Grantmakers, distributed by Grantmakers for Film and Electronic Media. Go to http://www.youthmediareporter.org/2007/05/documents.html directly to download these important documents in PDF form.
We have updated YMR’s “about” and “write for us” sections; which introduce YMR’s Peer Review Board members for the first time to the public and offers a description of articles we publish.
YMR will continue to feature diverse content, including voices from funders, global youth media practitioners, and neighboring fields. If you would like to be published in YMR, please contact me at idahl@aed.org.
Ingrid Hu Dahl
Editor, YMR
Report from the field and make a difference!