Media workshops with young people from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia

Organized by Intercultural Centre (IZ) Vienna, the Association of Youth Non-formal Education in Lithuania (AYNEL) and the Eurasia Foundation, Georgia is “South Caucasus–a Part of Europe.”
The project offers opportunities for young people from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia to participate in media workshops carried out by an international team of media/youth trainers.
The project is looking for young people aged 16-24 who:
· Want to learn how to express ideas through using media – radio, print journalism, photography or video
· Are ready to cooperate with young people from Austria, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Lithuania
· Motivated to discuss with others and actively share their perspectives of life in the participating countries
· Know one foreign language (English, Russian, German or other)
· Are willing to use knowledge and experience gained during the workshops with other people in their community (e.g. NGO, friends, school, other)
· Are committed to be active in the project for a one year period (Oct 2007-Oct-2008)
30 young people from each country (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) will be selected and trained by an international team of professional media/youth trainers in one of the 4 media fields. The outcome of their work will be presented to the public in Austria and Lithuania during an information campaign with a number of exhibitions, publications and discussions.
Workshop schedule:
· Preparatory media workshops of 6 days duration – second week of October 2007 for young people in Georgia, first week of November 2007 for young people in Armenia and third week of November 2007 for young people in Azerbaijan.
· 3 x 1 day follow-up workshops until July 2008 for young people in each of the countries
Based on the commitment and active participation in the project a delegation of 5 workshop participants from each country will be invited to participate in the joint workshops with young people and opening of the campaign in Austria and Lithuania in autumn of 2008.
Contact Veronica for an application: no later than July 9th, 2007.