Low power FM stations broadcast at 100 watts or less, making them affordable and useful tools for noncommercial and community groups. In 2000, the Federal Communications Commission issued hundreds of licenses for free to community stations, but Congress limited the service, keeping it from thousands of other communities, particularly inside big cities.
A repeal of these restrictions and a new issuing of licenses could benefit the youth radio field by increasing access to the airwaves and making more spaces for youth voices to be heard.
On June 21, 2007, Congresspersons Mike Doyle and Lee Terry introduced the Local Community Radio Act, which, if passed, will expand radio access across the country.
According to organizers at the radio access advocacy group, Prometheus Radio Project, the bill is moving forward, but support is needed to get representatives to cosign it.
For more information and to sign the petition to expand low power FM radio, go to http://www.expandlpfm.org/ or http://www.prometheusradio.org.