Global Youth Media and Arts Program

The Global Youth Media and Arts Program
Immigration + Identity
Information Session
Tuesday November 27, 6-8pm
4 Times Square, Room 38-400 New York, NY 10036

Are you a school or after-school educator? Do you want to
participate in a free innovative art and media program focused on
global issues?
Come learn about the Global Youth Media and Arts Program!
The Global Youth Media and Arts Program (MAP) is an arts education
program for youth ages 12-18 in New York and San Francisco. With
the MAP, youth use their own lives and communities as a platform to
examine global themes such as Immigration and Identity. Each year
World Savvy selects up to 15 school and after-school arts-educators
to participate. We then provide professional development workshops
and resources for teachers; classes and artist-led fieldtrips for
youth; and coordinate a culminating exhibition and Festival. The
2008 Festival will be held at The LaGuardia Performing Arts Center
and include a professional art exhibition, film screenings and
Participant Educators Receive:
•A Curriculum Guide containing lesson plans, classroom tools, &
arts resources
•Professional Development Institute: World Savvy provides tools,
training and curriculum to address the global theme with students
•One-on-one consultations with World Savvy for curriculum planning
and research
•Ongoing support in developing and implementing global curriculum
during the MAP
•2 Creative customized Workshops that focus on the global theme &
global fieldtrips to NY arts institutions and communities
•The Global Youth Media and Arts Festival—a professional public
exhibition and performance showcase for all!

Please RSVP with Victoria Restler, Senior Program Associate at 212-
759-2307 or to attend the November 27th
Information Session. Learn more at
4 Times Square, Room 38-400 New York, NY 10036