Second Annual Critical Race Studies in Education Conference
May 16-17, 2008
The University of Illinois at Chicago
Critical race theorists have increasingly challenged the education community to more fully consider the processes, structures, practices and policies that create and promote persistent racial inequalities in education and in the broader society. For example, they have demanded that the “achievement gap” be viewed, along with other gaps in income, housing, employment etc. as a consequence of racism. While these analyses have proliferated and scholars of color have managed to publish their work with prestigious educational journals and book presses, there has been little iscussion about how to develop a critical race praxis in education that might have transformative possibilities. This conference is designed to bring together scholars, activists, educators, students and community members who are concerned about the persistence of racial inequalities in education and in the broader society. The conference organizers invite papers that document scholarship, teaching, activist work at the local level, and community organizing efforts aimed at transforming racist practices, policies and systems in schools and in the broader society. More specifically, your proposal should address one of the following sub-categories:
1) Engendering Justice and Critiquing Systems of Oppression for Black and Latino Youth (Facilitated by David Stovall, UIC)
2) Life in Schools: Critical Counterstories and Testimonios by and about Urban Teachers (Facilitated by Tara Yosso, University of California at Santa Barbara)
3) The Apartheid of Knowledge in Higher Education (Facilitated by Lynette Danley, University of Utah)
4) Critical Conceptual or Empirical Analyses of the Links between Race, Class and/or Gender and Sexuality (Facilitated by Michelle Jay at the University of South Carolina and Theodorea Berry, The American College of Education, Chicago)
5) The Globalization of Racism and White Supremacy in the new world order (Facilitated by Marvin Lynn, UIC & Danny Martin, UIC)
Proposals should include the following:
* A cover page which includes title of paper, as well as name,
affiliation, contact information, and a 100 word abstract
* No more than a 1000 word descriptive summary that should include:
1. A theoretical framework section that shows how the paper draws from Critical Race Theory
2. An explanation of the methods (empirical, conceptual or theoretical) and a summary of the results.
3. A conclusion and educational significance section that illustrates how and why the topic is important and worthwhile for improving or transforming education for racially marginalized youth
Criteria for Evaluating Proposals
* Connection to CRT
* Quality of Writing and Organization
* Overall Contribution to the Field of Critical Race Studies in Education
Please go to:
page=critical_race to
register or contact UIC Department of Curriculum & Instruction Secretary, Sharon Earthely at or at 312-996-4508 in order to register by phone.
> Marvin Lynn, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor
> Director of Elementary Education
> Department of Curriculum and Instruction, MC 147
> University of Illinois at Chicago
> 1040 W. Harrison St.
> 3030 EPASW
> Chicago, IL 60607
> Phone: 312-355-0568
> Fax: 312-996-8134