Sadie Nash Leadership Project Fall 2009 Leadership Institute

The Sadie Nash Leadership Project (SNLP), is currently recruiting young women for our Fall 2009 Leadership Institute (formerly known as Nash University). Classes will meet twice a week (one weekday, and one Saturday), and will incorporate both community building and intensive leadership development. They will also integrate college awareness, health and self-care, and increased communication skills. Participants will receive an end-of-year stipend based on their participation and attendance in the group, and are eligible to receive school credit.
Young women can choose between two tracks:
Track A) Sisterhood Academy – This class will focus on identity and leadership development, and will explore career and life options, healthy relationships, mental, physical, and emotional wellness, and creative self-expression. Participants will build practical skills and knowledge on issues such as wellness, financial literacy, college awareness, stress management, and job readiness. Classes will meet on Wednesdays 4:30-6:00pm, and Saturdays 12pm-3pm in Brooklyn Heights.
Track B) Making Waves – This group will focus on leadership development, social justice, activism and social change and participants will learn about historical and contemporary female leaders and social justice movements, local government, local leaders, and relevant social justice campaigns in our city. As a culminating project, participants will design and execute a social justice youth summit to educate and mobilize their peers around issues of concern to them. Classes will meet on Thursdays 4:30-6:00pm, and Saturdays 12pm-3pm in Brooklyn Heights.
We are currently accepting applications for both these tracks! Applications can be found at We are also holding two Open Houses for interested applicants and families – Sept 25th, 2009 at 4:30pm, and Monday Sept 28th, at 12 noon. Both open houses will be held in Downtown Brooklyn at 157 Montague St, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Please RSVP to Applications are due by Tuesday, Sept 29th, 2009 and we encourage youth to apply today!
Please contact or call 718.422.8664 to RSVP or for more information.