For ten years, Urban Visionaries Film Festival has been New York City’s film festival produced, promoted, and presented by youth.
On Tuesday April 3rd, the Urban Visionaries Retrospective was held at Tribeca Cinemas, hosted by Adobe Youth Voices, Listen Up! and Tribeca Film Institute. The evening began with a screening of the festivals best in ten years followed by an awards reception honoring Time Warner (accepted by Luis Castro, Director of Development), Jim McKay (Adult Artist Acivist Award), Vanessa Bateau (Youth Artist/Activist), and Jamal Hodge (Urban Visionaries Alumnus).
It was an honor to hear the two youth honorees mention the impact youth media organizations had in their work and personal filmmaking projectory, namely The Educational Video Center, Reel Works Teen Filmmaking, and Listen Up! The event was charming, inspiring, and feedback from most who attended felt the screening did an excellent job capturing the power of Urban Visionaries.
Urban Visionaries is a collaboration between youth and educators from New York City youth media organizations including The Educational Video Center, Downtown Community TV, The Ghetto Film School, Global Action Project, Listen Up! Youth Media Network, MNN’s Youth Channel, The Museum of Television & Radio, Reel Works Teen Filmmaking, and T.R.U.C.E.
Bravo to a great event and work done in the youth media field!