NYCLU is sponsoring the Freedom of Expression Contest. This year’s theme: What is change you can believe in?
Youth are asked to choose an issue – racial justice, freedom of speech, immigrants’ rights, LGBTQ rights or something else – then make some noise! Write an essay, poem or short story. Create artwork. Perform spoken word. Make a video. Sing. Rhyme. Be heard! To enter, for complete info and to see past winners, click here.
Entries must be original (group entries accepted), and will not be returned. Applicants must be 21-years-old or younger and live in New York City. Current and former NYCLU/ACLU staff and board members, and their relatives, are not eligible. Finalists will be invited to Broadway Stands up for Freedom – the annual NYCLU benefit concert.
Deadline to submit is Friday, May 28 – Entries will be reviewed starting April 1. Educators get prizes for submitting the most student entries!
Questions and complete rules & info: visit, call 212-607-3361 or email
Thousands of Dollars in Prizes! No topic is off limits. All mediums are accepted.